March 26, 2009

I'm tired of living alone.

Hello World. I would just like to announce that I am tired of living alone. 

Shouldn't I be grateful to have a space of my own in this crazy bustling world? Why yes I am, my room is a wonderful oasis. And isn't it nice to only have to clean up after myself? Yes... considering I'm a neat freak at times... But I miss being in the presence of a roommate. Even if Katie and I hardly crossed paths during the week, last semester when we lived together, there was just something nice about a sign of another life when I walked in my apartment door. Just knowing someone was sitting in the other room was comforting, even if we were both just doing our own thing. I used to justify moving off campus, away from the liveliness of the dorms, by saying "what honestly comes out of just a "Hey" relationship of people always in passing." But connections can be made. People can be encouraged by just a smile and greeting. Of course I know that i'd be wishing I was living by myself if I were cleaning my roommates dishes, but those frustrations taught me how to love (...even if I was grumbling terribly in my head).  

I always thought that since I am an independent person that I wouldn't mind so much solitude but independence and solitude are different things. As I've learned, people were made to be in community, to have human interactions. My heart aches when I think of all the lonely souls in the world. Having a pet is not enough to take away loneliness. Maybe and hopefully the convictions of this experience will move me to reach out to the lonesome somehow

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