March 27, 2009

Bush Craziness in Texas

This is insanity to a person
 who wasn't raised in Texas! 
After finishing his term, President George Bush and his wife moved into a house in Dallas close to campus. The hype on the local news before and up
to the movie in was too much. Students were doing drive-bys (no bullets involved...) of the house just to see where George Bush would now be living. Newscasters were broadcasting out on their lawn. WTF people? They did a whole story about a "Bushsighting" at a local hardware store where he came to shake hands and casually  browse. HURRY! EVERY STORM THE WRENCH AISLE IT'S PRESIDENT BUSH!! I realize he was president, but enough is enough. I guess I feel good for Greorgey now that the extreme Bush-bashing has come to an end, and he is now an extremely popular Dallas-ite. But just from an outsiders perspective, the extremity of Texas support and loyalty is bonkers. I mean just look at how stupid he looks on the cover of this Dallas magazine. 

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