October 12, 2009

Midterm Time! Wait... the semester's already half-way over!?

While studying abroad they recommend "only" taking 12 hours of class in order to enjoy your traveling experience and immersion in the culture. I'm taking an art history on the origins of Impressionism, a second art history about the Architecture of paris dating from 300AD to the 18th century, a french class devoted to theater (we attend 5 performances in the city and read 4 other classics together) and a "CF"- cultural formations- about the history of relations and influences between france and america between the two world wars. This is PLENTY to keep me busy here. It's a lot more reading and writing than I'm used to, so maybe I'm just less efficient (here I am typing this entry rather than studying). Once I get finished with these mid-terms I need to gear up for the papers and presentations! Yikes! But I'm loving the material. I love having class "on site" at the monuments and museums. AMAZING! Even if my grades don't portray it always, I'm gaining such a unique experience no matter how well I can take an exam.
(I loved our own personal tour from our knowledgeable Architecture professor of the Notre Dame (I had actually never walked around the back side of the church before... Its magnificent!))

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