The energy of city life is contagious. There's never a dull moment when walking the streets of Paris. Although I continue to get lost (over and over again I look at my map, I'm convinced I'm walking the right direction and 5 minutes later I find that I was wrong and then I have no idea where I ended up) , I comfort myself saying that I'm always seeing something new.
On friday, Lydia and I decided to just roam around the city for the day. It's so entertaining to take it all in. We hopped on and off the Metro in different areas, The Champs Élysée, the Flea Markets and then we popped out of a random station in a predominately African neighborhood. We came out onto a crowed street where the market was. It reeked of fish, and women wearing bright colored dressed were arguing loudly over some obscure looking vegetable (?). We finally made our way to the bohemian area of Montemartre, where Bonnie met us,

to sit on the grass in from of the Sacré Coeur and I enjoyed a warm crêpe oozing with Nutella! Randomly in the area in front of the church these guys (see video below) were performing for the crowd! Check that talent! We left our houses that morning having no preset expectations and yet the people of Paris provided us with a really fun day. The best part of all was when a sauvly dressed, petit, elderly man stepped onto the Metro with his enormous accordian and played the theme from Amèlie until the next stop. I don't think the euro I placed into his satchel can truly express the added joy he brought to my day! Merci Monsieur :-)
wow! that's fantastic about the man and the accordion! i would have paid him dearly i think too. there's a dancer here who plays some amelie pieces from time to time on a piano in one of the rehearsal halls and i have to stop in every time i catch it.